climate strike

Educate yourself - Weekly read #3

I have to be honest - my weekly read series haven’t been on a weekly basis even if I read articles on a weekly basis. So from now one I will number them to make is easier for readers. I find it very important to read articles about politics, economics, aid, climate change and so on for people into these topics to have some kind of idea of what kind of world they’re operating in. To often we spend to much time on reading headlines on social media and way to often we don’t read the whole story. Further News on traditional media might not cover the most important news, so here are my tips on what you should read this week:

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  • How to tackle climate change? A lot of people have opinions about the most effective way to take action on climate change, well there’s research on the field. Project Drawdown has the answers. Do the quiz and see how well informed your are about the actions that will reduce the carbon the most.

  • And of course, this has to be mentioned, the global strike initiated by Fridays For Future has now started and the 27th of September is going to be the largest strike ever hold! I’ll see you there right?