Global Strike

Educate yourself - Weekly read #4


I’ve done my homework and it’s been a week and I’m going to share with you what I’ve been reading about this week.

  • Salaries among professionals in Sustainability by Aktuellt Hållbarhet (more than 2000 respondents)- this is a really important one since the profession is quite new. And when I say new it doesn’t mean that people haven’t been calculating carbon footprint or doing risk assessment on their businesses before, CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility, have been with us for some time now. What is new is; 1. the urgent and serious aspect of sustainable development (we’re in a climate crisis), 2. the new university degrees and high skilled labour (a lot of programmes at universities didn’t exist 10 years ago, now you can educate yourself to became a Head of Sustainability), 3. the profession is dominated by females (new or not, but the trend is that more women care about our planet and it’s people and they’re also more well-educated to do so). The results are interesting for several reasons, 1. the sectors with high salaries represent the rest of the market (financial etc.), 2. to what extent salaries matters (not that much)and 3. there’s gender discrimination among people working with sustainability (Why didn’t this one reached the headlines?). Read it and get our own opinion.

  • A paper published by Ellen MacArthur Foundation tells us that renewable energy isn’t enough to tackle climate change. Greenhouse gas emissions are not falling quickly enough to achieve climate targets and switching to renewable energy can only cut them by 55%. The remaining 45% of emissions come from how we make and use products, and how we produce food. Nothing new maybe but we need papers like this to get the figures right. The paper tells us how a circular economy can achieve a reduction totalling 9.3 billion tones of greenhouse gases in 2050. This is equivalent to eliminating current emissions from all forms of transport globally. Read: Completing the Picture: How the Circular Economy Tackles Climate Change.

  • Global Climate Strike the 27th of September of 2019. If you have found my blog, you are have probably heard about the global climate strikes that took place this Friday. What you should know is that 6000 strikes took place in 170 countries and millions of people joined. 170 000 in New Zeeland, over 300 000 in Montreal and 60 000 people in Stockholm. More and more people start to raise their voice for the climate.

  • The latest IPCC report, special report on the ocean and cryosphere in a changing climate. These are sad news but we have to listen to science. With a 2 degree up-warming (with current policies we won’t be able to reach this target rather an average of 3-4 degree up-warming of global temperature), 99% av the coral reefs will vanish! At Iceland, 400 of their glacier will be gone within 200 years. The sea level is rising more than expected, in 2100 we’re talking about one meter which is devastating for many low coastal lands. Spices are dying at a rapid rate, about 200 per day where a changing climate is one of the factors.

    We’re in deep shit. Have a lovely weekend.