This is the greenhouse gas you should be worried about


Global Methane Emissions has risen nearly 10% the last two decades. Methane has a global warming potential 28 times stronger than carbon dioxide. In 2017 the methane levels where 150% above pre-industrial time. Methane is actually responsible for 28% of the global warming so far. The lifespan of methane is 12 years, compared to the carbon dioxide who can remain in the atmosphere for 100 years.

Methane comes from several sectors and most of them have emissions that are rapidly increasing. Where the methane from agriculture, driven by increased production of read meat, has increased with 12% in 2017. It is mostly increasing in South Asia, Middle East, China and Africa while it’s declining in Europe, thanks do lower numbers of cattle and agriculture policies.

If methane emissions continue this way we will meet an average 3 degree Celsius of global warming which is a catastrophic scenario for humanity. Methane must go down.

Personally I found the alternative to stay off meat and encouraging others to do so as an alternative everyone can do, here and now!

Source: Future Earth