Circulytics - the new tool that helps companies to become circular

The new tool Circulytics by Ellen MacArthur foundation helps companies to measure their overall circularity. It has been developed with 13 strategic partners and member companies and has been tested by over 30 companies during 2019.

It help companies to:

  • Measures a company’s entire circularity, not just products and material flows

  • Supports decision making and strategic development for circular economy adoption

  • Demonstrates strengths and highlights the areas for improvement

  • Provides optional transparency to investors and customers about a company’s circular economy adoption

  • Delivers unprecedented clarity about circular economy performance, opening up new opportunities to generate brand value with key stakeholders

A company can apply to participate and when approved you can log in to the platform, upload your data and get an overall score.

I definitely believe tools like this are the future baseline of decision-making if you want to have a successful and profitable business.