Photo: Ian Allen
I’ve actually been on one week holiday! It’s not until you have worked full-time for more than a year you understand why people need holiday. I seperate holidays with travels, those are two different things for me. But this post is not about my personal life - it’s about what you should read. What I wanted to say is that I’ve been catching up with plenty of readings since I got back, one week without it is a lot for me. Many things are happening in the field of sustainability, everything from COP25 not happening in Chile to the different articles about climate compensation.
Here’s a short list:
Future Earth’s annual report “Late last year the United Nations’ 1.5°C Special Report warned that climate inaction could lead to irreversible impacts on ecosystems, biodiversity, food security, and more. Most recently, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) IPBES Global Assessment found that nature is declining at rates unprecedented in human history with grave impacts for economies, livelihoods, health, and quality of life worldwide. We need fundamental, large-scale reorganization across all technological, economic, and social paradigms, and we need it now.” - Introduction by the Executive director of Future Earth! This platform for trans-disciplinary research, govern by UN bodies and the International Science Council is a must for anyone interested in global sustainable development.
Exclusive interview with Patagonia’s founder Yvon Chouinard. “Everything man does creates more harm than good. We have to accept that fact and not delude ourselves into thinking something is sustainable.” - This 81 year old man’s perspective on capitalism and eagerness to save the planet. This is a must! Read it.
Demonstrations around the world. In Chile, Iraq, Bolivia, Hong Kong.. in several countries people are demonstrating for different reasons. Some of the common reasons are climate change, corruption and inequality. I’ll hope these protests is a sign of a new world order soon taking place. Their outcome (especially Hong Kong) will tell us if it’s a desired outcome or not.
Nobel Peace Prize to prime minister Abiy Ahmed Ali. We will se if the peace lasts between Ethiopia and Eritrea, however good for Africa and hopefully more leaders will follow his example.
96 cities meet to discuss how they can become more climate friendly. The meeting was hold in Copenhagen for cities leading the transition. Innovations and strategies were discussed.
Global Investors for Sustainable Development, GISD. “UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres announced a CEO alliance to support SDG financing, telling private sector leaders that investing in sustainable development is “not a matter of goodwill” but the root of long-term global prosperity. The alliance was developed by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) in close collaboration with the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), based on the design of the Swedish Investors for Sustainable Development.” - Yepp, let’s see how this network can help to redirect investments, without them it will be hard to reach the global goals.
Emotional intelligence and why employers seeks it. A nice article written by Harvey Deutschendor. I also like to read about personal and individual development.
Just a few things, enjoy.