The train-trend in Sweden has grown rapidly the last year but my dream to take the train to Asia came long before that. This summer (2019) me and my boyfriend went from Stockholm to Tallinn by ferry, then Tallin to Moscow by night train and then the whole way to Beijing by Trans Siberian railway. After Beijing we visited Xian, Chengdu and Guilin before ending our trip in Hong Kong.
Both Russia and China are very interesting countries. Both from a political and sustainability aspect, but what you have to give them is the incredible culture in forms of museum, food and people. Massive countries with beautiful nature and well functioning train and subway systems. Easy and convenient travel destinations.
You can also read our interview at Reform Travel!
Or check out when I’m being interviewed at Evolution Show on YouTube.
Note: We are very much aware of the political and human rights issues in these countries and our thoughts are with the people fighting for their human rights.