48 action points on how to reduce the environmental and climate impact of consumption in Sweden

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This seminar is about the Trade Union (Handels) program on the sectors climate and environmental impact. The report has interviewed members and employees from a diversity of companies in Sweden. Some of the findings presented are:

  • 9/10 thinks the sector should reduce its environmental and climate impact.

  • 90% think the companies should take more responsibility.

  • 85% asks for political regulations.

  • 45% would like to contribute to their employers sustainability work.

Facts about the sectors environmental and climate impact:

  • The consumption based emissions in Sweden are twice has high as the territorial.

  • Within Sweden the sector is responsible for 2-3% of the national emissions.

  • The products these companies sell represents 50% of the consumption based emissions.

  • 40% of the emissions comes from food.

Suggested actions (there’s total 48 of them):

  • Make sure employees has the right knowledge.

  • Politicians should create consumption based targets on reduced emissions.

  • All companies should declare the products climate and environmental impact.

  • Targets and limits based on the declaration, too harmful products shouldn’t be available on the market.

  • Politicians should invest in solutions for circular economy, to facilitate renting, repairing and so on.

  • Bann products with a consciously chosen short life-span.

  • Label products after their lifespan.

  • Reduce use of emballage.

  • Harder actions to reduce fossil based transportation.

  • All companies should pay for transportation, this is something they compete on and not good for the environment.

  • All products should be labelled with information on where they have been produced.

  • Support farmers to transform to organic farming.

It’s going to be interesting to see how this trade union manages to push for change and action on all this 48 action points. Watch the seminar in Swedish.