Summary of my professional life 2019

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Time flies by and suddenly Christmas is here and 2019 is about to end. Every year I reflect upon what I’ve done the last year, what has left my life, what has enter and who I have become? Everything is in constant change and some of it are our responsibility.

This year I’m doing something new. I’m summarising my professional life and I thought, why not sharing it with you?

At Swedish Red Cross

  • A sustainable annual conference! I was very happy to be a part of lowering our CO2 emissions, using renewable materials and a sustainable food meny.

  • New second hand camping materials. This year we have accelerated our communication in sustainability.

  • New guide for sustainable consumption and production at second hand for volunteers.

  • Acceleration of sustainable ambassadors project. First year we are using Volontärbyrån to recrute new volunteers for sustainability and, the interest and people, entering the project is absolutely amazing.

  • Visiting Wargön Innovation, Retuna Återbruksgalleria and the new second hand in Gothenburg. Digging into challenges in the textile industry.

  • Campaign days for second sand such as the fashion show in Umeå and White Monday camping in Nacka by the local branches.

  • Updated policy for sustainable development.

  • New action plan in sustainability for 2019-2023.

  • New strategy and working group to lowering our CO2 emissions (and It’s been working!!!)

  • Education in digital meetings for staff.

  • Participated in Climate Strike in September.

  • Fairtrade campaign at our head office.

  • Continually training in sustainability for volunteers and employed.

  • Progress in sustainable IT.

  • Updated material in sustainability for local branches.

Not to mention all the processes started and the international interest of the Red Cross movement of what we’re doing. It’s been a teamwork and I’m so proud of what we’re doing. Red Cross Sweden website will soon be updated about the details of our sustainability work.

Digital platforms

  • Updated my website (totally my own work and design so happy to know how to build one).

  • New blog - Take Action - finally a platform where I can share knowledge for anyone who likes to dig into facts and learn about how you can create change.

  • New blog - A Sustainable Closet - I lacked inspirational blogs in fashion from a sustainability perspective. I’m so glad I’ve launched it and I feel very grateful for all the people I have interviewed.

  • Instagram - this one hasn’t grown or prospered, I have rather chosen to spend less time on it and I like the change. However, I feel very grateful everytime someone approach me and say they find my page inspriring. It means a lot to me. Not to mention all the friends I’ve got to know this year through Instagram.



  • Visiting Israel and Jordan (again) for leisure and a friend working with the conflict there.

  • Train visits to Copenhagen (one of my favourite cities).

  • Train ride to Switzerland from Sweden and back home.

  • Train ride to Hong Kong from Sweden, exploring Russia and China (it was such an awesome trip).

  • Trip to Egypt for kite surfing, pyramids and holiday

I’m happy about the train rides that has been lowering my CO2 footprint and I’m hoping for a future with fossil free travels, more time to travel by land and more people who go traveling. That’s how you learn about the world.

Yoga and spiritual development

This year I have rebuilt my strength and health and has finally been able to get back to more physical yoga. However, my attitude has change completely and I have surrendered for what is without any wishes for my body to be this way or that way. I feel healthy and strong and my depression feels so far away. I’ve done two meditation retreats and have continued my practice in the beginning of the year. Now I spend more time sleeping but still feel mentally strong and happy. I’ve set myself free from dependence.

I also feel very grateful for my teaching at Elit Solvik. The best gym in town.

Person of inspiration

Jay Shetty - thank you for entering my life. Thanks for the tools to eradicate suffering and entering bliss and harmony. I have finally come to peace at being in Stockholm. Developed better relationships and get rid of my anxiety. I’m very very grateful!

Looking for 2020

  • Finishing my book

  • Yoga teaching as you never seen it

  • Upgrading my fashion blog

  • Learning Spanish

  • Total bliss and harmony

  • Re-visiting my Instagram and change of profile

  • Growth in consulting for smaller companies in other industries in sustainability

  • Hiking and camping - more time in nature

  • Develop Red Cross sustainability and change in the whole movement

I’m very very happy and very very grateful and I know we’re creating so much change other!

Time for a break!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!