A few readings I’ve done lately! If there’s anything particular you would like me to share, please let me know. My list is long and this is just an example of few.
One of the first name you will encounter if you study sustainability is Rachel Carson. A zoologist and writer who’s book Silent Spring led to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency. Some people claim that her book was the start of the environmental activism of modern time. Get to know her by reading the article this by Brain Pickings.
Ever heard about Contract for the Web? Ever heard about Tim Berners-Lee? Well, the founder of the Web has an idea on how to fix it. Not many details given in this article but I believe we’re on the horizon to reinvent the purpose with the World Wide Web.
Latin America and COP25. In what ways do the continent relate to the climate crisis? From Chile to Madrid, COP25 has been moved. A short introduction for anyone who’s been following the turbulens at the continent. In reality a very complex issue not satisfied in this article.
Menstrual poverty. Yes, there’s such thing since many women globally can’t afford feminine napkins, don’t have access to sanitation, can’t change their napkin privately and are living under sigma. That’s why it’s important to change culture and norms but also provide women with practical solutions that lowers the costs and makes it easier for women to have fulfilling lives while bleeding. This innovation, a reusable feminine napkin is currently being tested.
Emission Gap Report. If we want to keep global warming under 1.5 degrees globally we need to cut emissions by 7.6% annually between 2020 and 2030. This report shows the scenarios, the challenges and possibilities to keep global warming under worse-case scenario.
Återbruksbarometern (A report about the climate benefits of reusing textiles). You have to buy 197 second hand jeans to come up to the same CO2 emissions as one pair of jeans. A study done in Sweden by the second hand chain Björk&Frihet.